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" I've been smoking Baba G for a while now and they're the best! It burns evenly and well and has no weird taste. Plus, the packaging is really cool too. Definitely recommended! "

Adisa Chinweike

" I'm a long-time smoker and I've tried many smoking paper brands, but I must say that this particular brand is amazing. The quality of the paper is very good. I use the brown paper as it is natural and unbleached and does not interfere with the taste of the tobacco I am using. "

Oluwaseun Adeyemi

" I saw a friend smoking Baba G and I tried it too for fun. I had no idea I would get hooked onto it. It has become a part of my smoking routine and I carry it with me even when I travel because I don't want to use any other paper. "

Alex Oladipo

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“Crafted naturally to give your smoke the smoothest feel”